Frequently asked questions

Availability can be seen on our website (charts are up to date).
You can see availability for all our rooms on one single page by clicking here.

How to book online
It is easy: Kindly visit the description page of the selected room to see the calendars, click on the calendar and highlight your nights (Do not highlight the night/day of departure since this would add an extra night to your booking). Continue to see the rates. Our booking engine will automatically quote the best rates available. Select your options. Continue to make your booking.
A one night stay is the most expensive. Starting from 2 nights, you will have much better rates.

Check in and check out
Please note that our rooms are available earliest at 2:00 pm on the day of arrival and should be left at 11:00 am latest on the departure date. Check in time is earliest between 2:00 and 3:00 pm and again from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, unless otherwise agreed.